Five For Friday {July 17, 2015}

Time will not slow down at all it seems!! The summer weeks are FLYING by for me. Anybody else feel this way???? But it has been a fabulous week that has gone so quickly and that means its time for Five for Friday y'all!!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this fabulous Friday Linky!! Here's what's been happening in my week: 

OH MY GOODNESS first and foremost I have to tell you that I finally got to "Hangout" (see what I did there???) with my original #teachertribe and TpT buddies - The Primary Punchbowl!!!
Picture credit to Elsa at The Whole Wheat Class and that is the fabulous Sarah from Mrs. B's First Grade! Sarah and Laura from Luv My Kinders gave us (the ones who were home last week) some GREAT tips from Las Vegas and the TpT Conference. We were all on Google Hangout and got to see and hear each other! So much fun! We also all made plans to be there next year no matter what!! 
If you haven't done a Google Hangout with your friends yet, I highly suggest it! 

My presentations: Dude, I had two presentations at the APEL Conference (Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana) this week and they were awesome! The theme is Super Heroes, which is totally up my alley, (ahem #gonegeekgirl <---I'm gonna make this a thing). 

Both of my sessions were full. Like packed! 

APEL Conference 2015
 I got great feedback on both of the sessions and I talked all about some fabulous TpT'ers and told the whole audience to go and follow as many Teacher Authors as possible to get inspiration and motivation!! I also had a giveaway, and of course I printed them out on Astrobrights paper! Really added a pop to my presentation! 
Astrobrights paper

Getting Started on TpT
It's my Teachers Pay Teachers Super Product Planner, on sale for $2 til Saturday only!

I am now addicted to presenting and I will just have to win the lottery and become a millionaire so I can present all the time. I think that plan is solid. 

The conference itself: I sat in on some great sessions, and feel excited to implement my new knowledge this coming school year! One session was on ways to motivate not only your students, but your fellow teachers and even your administrators. Simple little notes and sayings to make them smile. The presenters had the whole room laughing and up and moving. 
Brittany Taraba from Learners Meet World gave two great presentations! 
One on RTI with Behavior and Academics. She gave out a great list of iPad apps that would work wonderfully well in support of your RTI. For example, Sushi Monster. This was so much fun! There's a monster and you have to fling plates of sushi to add up to the number around his neck. I'm pretty sure I was having more fun than the average 6 or 7 year old would have. 
APEL Conference 2015

I also sat in on her Eureka Math presentation. While my school doesn't use Eureka/Engage NY religiously we do pull some activities here and there. Like the sprints. Look! I almost finished!! 
Eureka Math Sprint

And this was multiplication and division which is well over my first grade head! :)
Also, practically my entire school came to the conference! 
Mayfair Lab School
We have the best team!! And I got to meet the new teachers in 4th and 5th grade! 

 Mayfair Lab School
Here is Regina! My Mayfair Teacher Bestie!! 

On the computer: I made this SUPER back to school unit. I just kept having idea after idea so the packet kept growing and growing! I tried to pull in some fun activities that we did at the beginning of last year but SUPED them up for this year!
Super Hero Back to School Unit
 I've been printing and creating the activities and I can't wait to show the product in action! There is stuff here that we can do the very first day of school! So exciting! See that super hero cape? I'm going to copy them onto Astrobrights paper and give them to my firsties. They are going to write their Super Wishes for the year on the cape in marker and we are going to hang them in the hallway with the title "We're SUPER Excited about Learning!" 

In the Kitchen: Today is Day 20 of the Whole 30 and I'm doing GREAT! I haven't been doing too well with picture taking. I'm so excited about eating that I forget to take a pic until half of my plat is gone. But I did make a fantastic Chicken Cacciatore in the Crockpot that was divine!!
The Whole 30 Chicken Cacciatore
Served with some spaghetti squash and YUM!!

Tomorrow night? Pulled Pork Carnitas with sweet potatoes. Mmmm.......

With the Kid this week: On top of her completely missing the hamper in the bathroom which is LITERALLY right next to where she throws her clothes. 
On the floor. 
Right next to it. 
Th empty hamper. 
Besides that Ant-Man came out last night and we totally went! We go to the Thursday 7 pm showing of every Marvel Movie because once again, #gonegeekgirl is totally gonna be a thing. Just wait for it!  
Ant Man Tickets
And we saw it in 3D because of course! 

Well that was my week! How was yours? 

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