Hello! Welcome to Tech and Teachability!

Hi guys! I am so beyond excited to launch my new blog Tech and Teachability!
This is so unbelievably amazing and I can't wait to share all sorts of fabulous new things with you!!
As you may or may not be aware, I am formerly known as Pride and Primary, but....................

I got a new job!! My principal has asked me to head up our school's Video Production/Media Arts department and I just couldn't say no!
A name change was required since I'm not "technically" primary anymore. 
I will miss my first grade babies, but as the program gets off its feet I will be offering technology classes to all of the grades K-6. Pride and Primary will not be going anywhere, but I have transferred all of those posts to this blog. 

So here we are! New name. New blog. New job. New school year. But I am making it the best school year EVER!

I will be teaching sixth graders all about Media Arts and Digital Literacy and Video Production. You can read about me freaking out over completely enjoying this new job {HERE}. I will also be teaching 5th and 6th keyboarding, and later on will be teaching computer skills to all grades eventually. We shall see. My school, Mayfair Laboratory School, is seriously the best school ever. We have the best team and we are the most fun.

With the new school year and the new blog, I hope to teach you lots of new things and to keep you entertained!

Here's some things to know about me: 

I am from the great state of Louisiana!
I love Louisiana, the food, my Tigers, my Saints, and all things in between! I currently live in Baton Rouge where I've been for the past three years. I grew up in Alexandria, about 2 hours northwest of here, which is a smallish city on the banks of the Red River. If you've ever driven south from Dallas or Arkansas to Baton Rouge or Nola, chances are you passed through Alexandria. I taught at a small private school there until I heard about the job at Mayfair Lab and I packed up and headed to our state capital. Never gonna leave now!
I love coffee. I drink it all the time. All. The. Time. In fact, if it's anytime before 6 pm and I don't have coffee, I am more than likely trying to signal you that's something is wrong. 
If you follow me on Instagram, you know my obsession with coffee. Mmmmmm.......

   I have a 15 year old daughter, Carly Summer, who is the joy of my life. She keeps me on my toes!
She will be a SOPHOMORE this year which I still can't believe. 
Yeah, she loves Benedict Cumberbatch and all things Sherlock. 

 I also like wine and I'm totally not sorry about it. 
I am also a major geek. Total nerd. 
Carly and I go to all the Marvel movies the day they come out - usually midnight showings (on school nights, yes) and we have soooooooo much fun!
I also love Game of Thrones and Gilmore Girls and The Flash and Arrow and Pretty Little Liars - I  may have a slight obsession with Netflix.....

But of course I have it under control. Completely. I do occasionally go outside, like to go to work and stuff. 

Alright, finally getting to the point of all this: 

So many fabulous teachers have donated to this blog launch and I am so excited to hold this giveaway! There will be three days: 

You'll also get some freebies from my blog posts!!

For example, click here for a FREE READING SKILLS DIGITAL INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK! (you MUST be signed in to your Google Account or you will be prompted to create an account which is FREE btw)
AND here is a copy of my Digital Files How To - with instructions on how to use my Digital Interactive notebooks with Slides and PowerPoint as well as how to navigate some Google Apps and Google Classroom. 

See? This is already fun!!

All winners will be announced Saturday! For today's fabulous prize pack of amazing TpT resources from some of the best teachers EVER, please enter the Rafflecopter below. You will also receive your choice of any TWO items from my store. Any of them. Pick two!

Just need your email. 

That's all. Nothing else. 

 You can enter until Friday at midnight!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
My friend Kristi is also launching her blog this week, Pelicans and Pipsqueaks! She's got a giveaway going on too, so head on over to her blog right now!

Thank you for reading and remember to come back tomorrow to enter the next giveaway!


  1. Your blog layout looks amazing! Can't wait to see the exciting things you have planned for your students. Have a great school year!

  2. Your blog layout looks amazing! Can't wait to see the exciting things you have planned for your students. Have a great school year!

  3. I never could get the giveaway button to come up...but here is my email kellybrown28021@gmail.com

    1. Sorry about that-I'm not sure what's up with that. But thank you! I will enter you in the giveaway!!

  4. Also couldn't get the giveaway button up. Here's my email
    And thanks for a great giveaway!!

    1. Sorry about that-I'm not sure what's up with that. But thank you! I will enter you in the giveaway!!

    2. Thank you!! It's working now. Loving your blog!

  5. The rafflecopter never loaded! So....my email is firstgradeisgreat@gmail.com

    1. Sorry about that-I'm not sure what's up with that. But thank you! I will enter you in the giveaway!!


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