Sample 3


Sample 2



This is a sample post.

This is a link.


MATH IT! An Easy to Use Math Centers Idea

Hi Guys!! Today I'm going to share a quick post about my math centers. I created this system as I was writing our math curriculum. This past year we decided to write our own math because we felt that using the hodgepodge of materials we were using the previous year was too disjointed and not effective with our kiddos. You can check out my math curriculum HERE.

The centers rotation I designed so the kids would get practice with new skills, practice with old skills, practice with fluency skills, and practice with critical thinking skills. I also included an "I'm Through" rotation so the early finishers would have some ideas about what to do when the center game is done. 

Each letter in MATH IT stands for something:
M: Model It
A: Add It
T: Think It
H: Hone It
IT: I'm Through

I made labels (that you can grab for free!) and attached to some bins. Each center with its materials goes into the bin each week. Placed in my math area and all is ready to go. 

The kids know where to go because I have a rotation schedule hanging on my cabinets. 

Close Up: 
I placed the group/table labels on circles and used taped paper clips to hold them. Every day I would move it one to the right. That's it. Easy peasy. 

I had five tables so I had four do the center activities and the fifth table would practice on the computer. So every day some type of skill was being reviewed and reinforced.

I would call individual students in groups based on their needs to my small group table during center time. I could reinforce, reteach, or challenge the kids depending on what they needed. 

All of my monthly themed math centers can be found in my store. 

Thanks for visiting!

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Hi friends! I hope everyone is having a fantastic February! I don't know about your neck of the woods, but the weather here has been INSANE. One day it's 45 degrees, the next it's 89. I'm surprised we don't all have pneumonia or worse.

Anyway, because it's winter, and because the groundhog saw his shadow, I wanted to share a little activity I created last year for my firsties. This helped us to sum up our unit on place value and regrouping. Plus it's super adorable!

I needed a review activity for our Numbers to 120 unit and I love snowmen! So I made this! 

With this activity the kids can create a snowman by choosing a two or three snowball snowman, a scarf, and two or three buttons. Each addition has a value of tens or ones. They add them all together and show the total value of their snowman! 

I've included a recording page and a page to hang in the hallway with the snowman. 

Click HERE to grab this! 

I also created a QR code scavenger hunt scoot for early finishers to begin once they finished with this little activity. It was a review of all the topics we learned in the unit. 

I know you just love my photography skills. I'm the next Ansel Adams. 

Recording Page 
This one is more Annie Leibovitz, right? 

I tape the cards all over the room in different areas. 
They scan the codes, read the clue, and then they have to go off and find the answer! And NO the cards aren't in order! 

Please check it out HERE and let me know what you think! 

I hope everyone has a fabulous February!

Happy Teaching!


Thoughts on Thursday: Things Teachers Love!!

Hello!! Welcome to another Thoughts on Thursday! Thank you for joining Kristi (from Pelicans & Pipsqueaks) and I this month!

Thoughts on Thursday is our monthly linky where we share our thoughts on various topics. This month we are talking about all things we love!

Let's begin!

Teachers love knowing all the things. Okay so we don't really know all the things, but we know a lot of the things. We know more than the average Joe and we love teaching others about the things we do know!!

We also LOVE everything from Target. Everything. All of it. My paycheck goes there. 

I mean, just look at my fabulous find here. Look at it!

And where would we teachers be without our LOVE of caffeine? For some of us it's tea. Others drink coke or other forms of carbonation. Me, my choice is COFFEE.
I. Love. Coffee. All day, every day, all hours of the day. 

Did I mention memes? I think teachers love memes. I posted some teaching related memes in the sixth grade hallway this year. Hilarious!! 

I think teachers also love their planning books. Whether it's calendars or life planners or plan books, we love adorably functional, undeniably aesthetic, and incredibly useful planners.

Here's a look at mine: 

I've written a previous post about how I plan using my planner.

And finally, teachers LOVE TEACHING!!! We seriously do. Our days are filled with laughter and love and learning and hugs and we do our part for the future. 

And because I love teachers so much, I'm giving away my all new updated lesson planner for 2017-2018. I've updated it to include February 2017 to July 2018!! 

To enter, all you need to do is visit my Instagram or Facebook post and leave your email and tell me one thing you LOVE!! 

Well that's it for this month's thoughts! Please check out the other fabulous bloggers in the links below. 

Join us next month for our Thoughts on Thursday: Book Recommendations!

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Five Great Habits to Start NOW!!

Hey guys!! Today I blogged over on The Primary Punchbowl about five great habits that can make your life just a bit easier.

Click HERE to check it out now!


Happy Birthday to Me!!

It's my 35th birthday today! Yay!! And in celebration of that, I've put everything in my store at 35% off this whole weekend.

Visit MY STORE and check it out! Happy Weekend :)

Thoughts on Thursday: Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope your holidays were fabulous and that your new year has been wonderful so far!

Thanks for joining Pelicans and Pipsqueaks and me for this month's Thoughts on Thursday. Today we are talking all about resolutions!

A new year brings new opportunities for growth and change, both personally and professionally. Now is the time to try something new, change up a bit of your routine, decide to work out once a week, anything!
This is will be easy to keep!

Some of my resolutions for this year are:
1. Be more positive.
2. Save money.
3. Plan things better.
4. Go to Disney.
5. Win the lottery.

Okay so maybe 5 is a long shot but hey, resolutions are meant to be exciting!

In regards to 1, I'm being more positive about what and how I eat - keeping it clean, whole, healthy. Though I will occasionally (or more often!) eat my cookies and cakes!

As far as saving money goes, nothing frivolous! That includes not eating out when not necessary, not purchasing anything that is not necessary, shopping on a budget and shopping the sales, etc. We are going to Disney (completes #4 resolution) so I need the money to help fund my trip!! Win-win!

And for #3, it may seem the easiest but not really for me! I need all sorts of help in this area. I need a personal assistant. Except they would have to work for free and follow me around and tell me what to do and when to do it.

In lieu of that, I created this simple little planning packet.I will be able to stay on top of life with these simple pages.

Also for my blogging - trying to keep to a regular schedule! 

I hope.

You can grab a copy {HERE}.

Whatever your resolution is, make sure it matches who you are and does something to make a positive change in your life!!

Check out our upcoming Thoughts on Thursday for the next few months!

Happy new year!

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