Thoughts on Thursday: Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope your holidays were fabulous and that your new year has been wonderful so far!

Thanks for joining Pelicans and Pipsqueaks and me for this month's Thoughts on Thursday. Today we are talking all about resolutions!

A new year brings new opportunities for growth and change, both personally and professionally. Now is the time to try something new, change up a bit of your routine, decide to work out once a week, anything!
This is will be easy to keep!

Some of my resolutions for this year are:
1. Be more positive.
2. Save money.
3. Plan things better.
4. Go to Disney.
5. Win the lottery.

Okay so maybe 5 is a long shot but hey, resolutions are meant to be exciting!

In regards to 1, I'm being more positive about what and how I eat - keeping it clean, whole, healthy. Though I will occasionally (or more often!) eat my cookies and cakes!

As far as saving money goes, nothing frivolous! That includes not eating out when not necessary, not purchasing anything that is not necessary, shopping on a budget and shopping the sales, etc. We are going to Disney (completes #4 resolution) so I need the money to help fund my trip!! Win-win!

And for #3, it may seem the easiest but not really for me! I need all sorts of help in this area. I need a personal assistant. Except they would have to work for free and follow me around and tell me what to do and when to do it.

In lieu of that, I created this simple little planning packet.I will be able to stay on top of life with these simple pages.

Also for my blogging - trying to keep to a regular schedule! 

I hope.

You can grab a copy {HERE}.

Whatever your resolution is, make sure it matches who you are and does something to make a positive change in your life!!

Check out our upcoming Thoughts on Thursday for the next few months!

Happy new year!

1 comment

  1. Being positive is one of mine too! I think it's so important, especially with our students. I love #5, I think I'll add that to my list too! :o) Thanks for hosting and sharing.
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